
Press News

The complex mission of ensuring that light doesn't fail

Portugal has a consistent path of investment in renewable sources, without this having translated to date into the misfortune that some insist on anticipating.

Government created working group to transpose the European RED III Directive

Minister of Environment and Energy says that the Executive wants to "put Portugal at the forefront of the transition to clean energy".

Banana peel could be a new way to produce renewable energy

This experiment used pyrolysis and flash light irradiation to bring about this transformation and the results could not be more promising: not only does biomass produce hydrogen, which can then be used to produce energy, it also produces biochar, a solid carbon biochar that can be reused for fertiliser or to manufacture electrodes. In addition, biomass also absorbs, removes, and stores carbon dioxide.

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APREN’s Associates are companies holding power plants for electricity production from renewable sources (ordinary associates) and any individual or collective person interested in the development of the renewable electricity sector in Portugal (extraordinary associates).
