About Us

"Portugal needs our energy!”
The Portuguese Renewable Energy Association (APREN) is a non-profit association, founded in October 1988, with the mission of coordination, representation and defense of the common interests of our Members.
Our members are either: singular or collective entities that are authorized to produce renewable electricity (producers); or even any singular or collective entity interested in the technical, legal, financial and economic development of electricity production from renewable energy sources and that can clearly contribute to meet APREN’s purposes (non-producers).
APREN represents more than 90% of all installed capacity of renewable energy sources in Portugal.
APREN develops its work together with official authorities and other similar entities, either national or international, being an important key player in the development of energy policies in Portugal, thereby promoting the deployment of renewable energy resources for electricity production. The Association privileges the coordination and permanent contact with the Portuguese Government, the ministries responsible for energy and environmental issues and their official agencies, as well as a fruitful dialogue with the crucial national stakeholders acting in the renewable electricity sector and also with representatives from the civil society.
APREN has also a strong involvement at the European level, which is primarily manifested through the participation in European projects and through its partnership with several European Associations aiming for the representation of its targeted technologies, thus enabling the monitoring of European Energy Policy and developments in the sector in other Member States of the European Union.
We invite you to learn more about our association and to join us in the defense of renewable energies in Portugal.