European Parliament sets target of 32% for renewable energy by 2030

The European Parliament approved the new Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), which sets a target of 32% of energy from renewable sources in the European Union by 2030. The document was accepted by a large majority of MEPs - 495 votes in favor, 68 against and 61 abstentions, - which also gave a green light to the proposals on energy efficiency regulation.
The Directive provides for the exemption of fees and charges for small self-consumption facilities (up to 30 kW) and the possibility for communities to produce, store and sell excess production.
Each Member State will now have to create a National Energy and Climate Plan (PNEC), setting national targets and policies for decarbonisation, efficiency and security of supply.
APREN welcomes the approval of RED II as this is a very important step towards making Europe a leader in the renewable energy, technological development and R & D sectors. This decision will further reduce the EU's energy bill by reducing the import of fossil fuels (currently more than € 1 billion a day) and promoting European industry and jobs.
Another aspect worth highlighting is the fact that the document prevents Member States from making retroactive changes to the rules that existed when investments in renewable energy were made, which increases investor confidence in the European renewable electricity sector.
The pursuit of the improvement of the environmental sustainability of Europe and, consequently, of the World, will only be achieved if there is objectivity, rigor and ambition in the definition of goals and policies, which happened with the adoption of this Directive.