
Ordinance No. 203-A/2024/1
Publication: 2024-09-08 | Implementation: 2024-09-09
It gradually unfreezes the update of the addition rate on CO2 emissions, maintaining a partial suspension of its update.
Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 122/2024
Publication: 2024-09-02 | Implementation: 2024-09-02
Makes the first amendment to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 27/2024, dated February 23, which established the principles and timetable for the allocation of municipal concessions for the distribution of low voltage electricity.
Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 113/2024
Publication: 2024-08-30 | Implementation: 2024-08-30
Makes the first amendment to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 50/2024, dated March 26, which creates the Mission Structure for the Permitting of Renewable Energy Projects 2030.
Ordinance No. 189-A/2024/1
Publication: 2024-08-23 | Implementation: 2024-08-24
Update of the addition rate on CO2 emissions.
Order No. 22/DGEG/2024
Publication: 2024-08-05 | Implementation: 2024-08-06
Establishes the procedures and exemplary schemes for the design, inspection and certification of Electric Vehicle Charging Station (ECVE) installations.
Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic No. 63/2024
Publication: 2024-07-31 | Implementation: 2024-07-31
It recommends that the Government, as part of the process of revising the National Energy and Climate Plan, undertake a broad public debate and establish the eradication of energy poverty by 2050 as one of the main priorities.
Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic No. 64/2024
Publication: 2024-07-31 | Implementation: 2024-07-31
Recommends to the Government the adoption of measures to strengthen the 3C Program ― Home, Comfort and Climate.
Ordinance No. 176-B/2024/1
Publication: 2024-07-30 | Implementation: 2024-07-30
Approves the Regulation of the Business Incentive System "Network and Storage Flexibility", inserted in investment RP-C21-i08 of the Recovery and Resilience Plan.
Ordinance No. 596-A/2024/2
Publication: 2024-07-22 | Implementation: 2024-07-23
Authorizes the National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, I. P., to assume the burden arising from the financing agreement framed in Component C21 of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), Investment C21-i07.02, «Technical studies for offshore energy...
Order No. 18/2024
Publication: 2024-07-17 | Implementation: 2024-07-17
Update of the reference tariffs for cogeneration for the 3rd quarter of 2024.