#ORS2024 - Contents

The contents of the Oceanic Renewables Summit 2024 event, the APREN conference entirely dedicated to oceanic renewables, are now available:


_ Presentations: available for download below;

_ Recordings of the event: available on the APREN YouTube channel, here;

_ Institutional video about the offshore wind sector: available on the APREN YouTube channel, here.

Alexandra Almeida Silva (IPMA)
Arne Vatnoy (NOW - Norwegian Offshore Wind)
Belén Segura (REE)
Gisela Santos (INEGI)
Jerónimo Meira da Cunha (DGEG)
João Peças Lopes (FEUP & INESCTEC)
José Manuel Marques (DGRM)
Juan Ignácio Rodríguez (INEGA)
Mattia Cecchinato (WindEurope)
Stefania Charisiadou (European Commission)