Portugal Renewable Summit 2019


November 28, Fundação Oriente (Lisbon)

Opening (09:00 - 09:20)

  • Pedro Amaral Jorge, President at APREN - Associação Portuguesa de Energias Renováveis
  • Inês dos Santos Costa, Secretary of State for the Environment


1st morning session: Citizenship in the Energy Transition (09:20 – 10:30)

Moderator: Júlia Seixas, Professor at FCT Nova

  • The undeniable reality: climate change | Júlia Seixas, Professor at FCT Nova
  • The role of digitalisation and solar on the demand side | Carlos Alvarez, Chief Smart Grid Scientist at Huawei
  • Unlocking regulation to new business models | Rafael Gómez-Elvira González, Institutional Affairs and Marketing Director at OMI Group


Coffee Break (10:30 - 11:10)


2nd morning session: Understanding Financing Tools and Investment Decisions (11:15 – 13:00)

Moderator: Pedro Amaral Jorge, President at APREN - Portuguese Renewable Energy Association

  • Investing in solar in Portugal, the prospect of a Developer operating in the European Market | Bernardo Veiga, Chief Strategy Officer at Smartenergy
  • Financing renewable energy generation in Portugal | Tiago Simões de Almeida, Managing Director - Structured and Project Finance at CaixaBank Sucursal Portugal 
  • How can PPAs accelerate the energy transition? | Fernando de Juan Astray, Responsible Gas & Power Options & Structured Products at Axpo Iberia
  • Electricity prices forecast until 2030 | Santiago Blanco, Director and Area Manager Spain, Portugal and Latin America at DNV GL 
  • Debate: Financing renewables in an auction environment | Hugo Costa, Deputy Country Manager Portugal at EDP Renováveis; João Maria de Macedo Santos, Country Head at Akuo Portugal; Guilherme Portugal, Business Development Director at Finerge; Filipe Valença, Financing & Business Development at Generg Group


Lunch (13:15 - 14:15)


APREN Award 2019 (14:15 - 14:45)


NECP - National Energy and Climate Plan (14:45 - 15:15)

  • NECP - what are the main challenges? | João Bernardo, Director General of DGEG - Direção Geral de Energia e Geologia
  • The European Commission’s opinion on the NECPs | João Medeiros, Economic Attaché in the Representation of the European Commission in Portugal


Afternoon session: The Main Challenges in the Energy Sector until 2030 (15:15 – 17:45)

Moderator: Ivone Rocha, Partner at TELLES Advogados

  • Markets and Regulation | Diletta Zeni, Advisor – Energy & Climate Change at WindEurope
  • Adapting the grid to the new energy paradigm | Rui Marmota, Director of Network Planning at REN
  • Challenges and opportunities of the new market design | Antonio García Gallego, Head of Business Development Portugal at ENEL Green Power
  • Production, repowering and its potential: A case Study for Eckolstädt wind farm | Nicolas Voyez, Deputy VP Europe at EDF Renewables
  • Debate: Permitting in Portugal, from dialogue to the solution | Nuno Lacasta, President at APA - Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente; Carlos Magno, Director of Electricity Services at DGEG - Direção Geral de Energia e Geologia; Hélder Serranho, Chief Operational Officer at Generg Group; Nuno Banza, President at ICNF - Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas; José Medeiros Pinto, Secretary General at APREN - Associação Portuguesa de Energias Renováveis


Closing (17:45 - 18:15)

  • João Galamba, Secretary of State for Energy
  • Pedro Amaral Jorge, President at APREN - Portuguese Renewable Energy Association

